Stand still
The sounds are real
It’s not you dreaming
It’s the world moving
The world beside you
And the universe ahead you is not lost
You are still at the same spot
Been like centuries away
Seems like millennium has passed away
But still the heart is at unrest
The wounds are still so fresh
Uncertainty clouded your future
Disagreements covered your past
You are here alone
No one by side and in foregone
What are you wondering in this crowd
You are noticed and marked with a crown
People stare at you all the time
This path seems to be in your vein
Sometimes when it rains heavily
Or When the warm sun heats you up
Or when the snow drops hits you
A stranger grabs you to shade
Are you insane?
Or are you even alive?
You seem to be blind
Or are you even deaf?
Several times in a day
So many strangers you meet on this way
Don’t you have a family?
Or any one you know?
Out of hunger you stay aside
So much danger you are don’t even realize
Staying at this foot path
When you would be blown you aren’t aware of
Thousands of questions asked
No answer ever given
Few drops of tears sometimes
But no word yet out
Tormented by someone’s love
Betrayed by anyone’s plans
Sharing it would do good
But you don’t dare to give a look
what you left behind is not precious
den what you are to gain
got the glorious privilege t live
take the chance and live to the fullest
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